Senior Services
Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-2:00 pm. Driving hours M-F, 9 am-4 pm.
Driving Directions:
Connections to Care is located in the Arlington Heights Senior Center located at 1801 W. Central Road (New Wilke and Central Road) in Arlington Heights.
Connections to Care is a nonprofit organization in Arlington Heights, founded in 2006. Connections to Care provides reliable, volunteer-based one-on-one transportation for seniors to their essential medical and dental appointments. We drive seniors within 14 NW suburbs, 4 townships and 5 medical centers. Volunteer drivers pick up the older adult at their home, drive them to their appointment, wait for them and drive them home. We ask for a $15 donation per round trip ride, but no one is turned away due to inability to pay. Riders must be 60+, no longer driving, be able to get into and out of a vehicle without assistance , however canes and walkers are ok. Since 2006 we have provided over 34,000 rides to treatment for seniors many of whom would not have been able to get to their doctor appointment, lab test, dental visit, hospital procedure, dialysis or more without this volunteer driven service.