TSOR Group

TSOR Group

Leadership Transformation and Coaching

About Us

TSOR Group is invested and operating 3 main areas:

1. LEADERSHIP- TSOR Academy- Leadership/Management in organizational development- From the executive leadership team to the first time managers, we clarify vision, get alignment, and instill ownership to the team, and teach foundations on how to lead and manage people. https://tsoracademy.com/

2. BUSINESS CONSULTING- TSOR Group- We help businesses turnaround to make the leap from Good to Greater
A Management Consultancy built on Character, focused on business operations, developing leaders, risk mitigation and delivering financial outcomes.

2. PROCUREMENT & MANUFACTURING- Trust N Trade- Manufacturing and Procurement- need help manufacturing your idea in Asia? We guide you through the process and give you visibility of the factory and your product before you transfer your money to a foreign international entity. https://trustntrade.co/


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View Personal Bio
James Cheng
Global Director