Geoffrey Wharton and Associates, a financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC


Financial Services/Consulting

About Us

We want you to feel secure knowing you are a priority with us. You should understand that working with the right team of financial advisors should be a stress reducing process and at the end of the day, we will work together to help you make informed and educated decisions that align with your goals at every step in your financial future.

With all the volatility that life brings to us these days, do we really want to face unrest and uncertainty in our financial situation as well? We assure you that no matter what, we are here for you, to provide you the peace of mind that comes with having years of experience and being a leader in the field; understanding the multitude of changes within the financial industry. As we build a solid relationship based upon your unique vision of your future; confidence in your financial independence will grow.

We look forward to helping bring value to your life by working with you to build a financial plan that can bring a greater sense of peace and assurance that you and your family is taken care of.

Rep/Contact Info

Gregory Katzman, CMFC®, CFP®
Financial Advisor
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Geoffrey T Wharton, CFP®
Financial Advisor