Young Professionals

An ambitious and diverse group of young professionals connected by the Schaumburg Business Association with the purpose of creating networking relationships, enhancing professional skills, engaging civically, and providing career resources for future leaders.
Noelle Villicana
25N Coworking, Director of Sales & Events
Matt Saltess
Cornerstone National Bank & Trust Company, Commercial Banking Officer
Cornerstone focuses on building commercial banking relationships with local small and middle market businesses and their owners. Finance offerings ...
Kelly Petersen
Chair Edward Jones -- Kelly Petersen, Financial Advisor
Prior to joining Edward Jones, I practiced as an attorney in the Chicagoland area for nearly a decade, focusing on the areas of estate planning, pr...
Patrick Panayotov
Proceed Innovative LLC, Partner
Beginning his career with Proceed Innovative in 2011, as a Data Analyst, Patrick learned the fundamentals of what drives a successful digital marke...
Christina Cox
Schaumburg Business Association, Marketing and Communications Manager
Andrea Foster
Woodfield Mall, Manager In Training
Danilo Nevarez
BCU, Commercial Loan Officer
Emily Holdeman
Woodfield Mall, Assistant Director of Marketing & Business Development
Andres Escobar
25N Coworking, Community Manager
Beau Buchanan
Porte Brown LLC, Senior Accountant