Networking for Introverts

Jim Idstein
Chair Person James Idstein Consulting LLC, Owner
Dawn Block
Century 21 Circle, Broker/Realtor
Teri Calandra
Calandra Center for Health & Wellness, Founder
Jenny Tzortzos
Camp I Am Me, Community Outreach Coordinator
Megan O'Brien
Special Leisure Services Foundation, SLSF
Ray Bara
Garage Store, Product Consultant
Rachel Reiter
Schaumburg Bank and Trust Company N.A., Relationship Banker/Officer
Emily Holdeman
Woodfield Mall, Assistant Director of Marketing & Business Development
Heather Sherman
Woodfield Mall, Director of Operations
Yamonee Barboro
Yam Global Travel LLC, Travel advisor (Agent)
Michael DeMeyer
Faith Feeds, Director of Development
Roberta Hudson
Gentle Handwork, Teacher
Hi, My name is Roberta Hudson. I teach all things needlework. This encompasses the following types of needlework: sewing, quilting, knitting, croch...
Mary Claire Wheeler
American Family Insurance - Matthew Harrold, Agent (AmFam), Agency Sales Specialist
Matt Wilson
Village of Schaumburg, Management Analyst
Heather Winandy
MentorMe Advisors LLC, Mentor
Ultimately, I am a connector, a people-focused professional with a demonstrated history of delivering timely, orderly & impactfully. I am skilled i...